9th Conference of the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer: Shaping the Future of Female Oncosexual Health Together
The Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer welcomes the submission of Original Research abstracts and Program or Practice Report abstracts for its 9th Scientific Network Conference, hosted by Ohio State University on April 18-19, 2024. Abstracts should not exceed 350 words max and will be considered for either paper (oral) or poster presentation. All abstracts must be original work. Preference is given to new science and/or clinical abstracts without a history of prior publication or presentation.
Below you will find:
Abstract Submission Instructions
Abstract Guidelines
Trainee Research Award
Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Instructions
Opens: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Closes: Monday, February 12 at 8:00am Eastern
Late-breaking abstracts should be submitted by the submission deadline using the Network Abstract Submission Form. Late-breaking abstracts will be considered for poster presentation only. All abstract submissions are blindly reviewed by a panel of experts with specific experience in the appropriate practice area(s). Reviewers may not score/evaluate any abstract with which they have an affiliation, prior knowledge, or personal commitment.
Authors can expect to receive email confirmation of their submission within two business days of submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email, or have other questions regarding the meeting, contact the Scientific Network at
Presentation Formats:
- Oral presentations clustered around common themes will be presented in one of several sessions throughout the program.
- Posters allow presenters to discuss their research with interested colleagues during a dedicated poster session.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts should describe work consistent with the Scientific Network’s mission: to accelerate rigorous science, promote evidence-based education and practice, and advocate for informed policy.
Abstracts will be accepted in two categories: 1) Original Research - empirical and qualitative research reporting actual -- not promised -- results along with relevant statistics and significance values; or 2) Practice/Program Reports - e.g., innovative practice models, clinical findings, and case studies or series.
Abstract/Presentation Language: All abstract submissions must be in English. All presentations based on accepted abstract submissions must be made in English.
Length: The abstract itself should be limited to 350 words. This does not include the title or author names/affiliations. Please do not include references in the abstract.
Structure: All abstracts should use the submission form and be organized into standard sections as follows:
- Original Research abstracts: Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions
- Practice or Program Report abstracts: Objectives, Description/Procedures, Clinical Results/Relevance, and Conclusions
Authors and Affiliations: Please include authors in their proper order, followed by their degree(s) and affiliation. Please include only the major affiliation; do not include department or center names unless that is the primary affiliation.
Prior Publication Policy: Abstracts that have been submitted and accepted to prior meetings will be reviewed for acceptance; however, preference will be given to new science and/or clinical abstracts. If you have presented closely related work, please indicate the full citation where this material has been presented or published.
Presenter Registration: Presenters of accepted abstracts need to register for the 2024 Conference. Each presenting author is responsible for their registration fee(s) as well as travel and lodging costs. We expect the first author will present the research. In the event that the first author is unable to attend the Conference, they should arrange for a co-author to present the paper/poster.
Stacy Tessler Lindau Trainee Research Award
The goal of the Stacy Tessler Lindau Trainee Research Award is to encourage trainee membership in the Scientific Network and support the professional development of new investigators in the field of women's sexual health and cancer.
All abstracts with a trainee as first author will automatically be considered. Trainees can include graduate and undergraduate students from any discipline, residents, and postdoctoral fellows (PhD, MD, etc.). The abstract with the highest average score across all reviewers will receive the award.